Can Modern Methods of Construction deliver housing targets? webinar – 26/10/2022


This webinar hosted by Construct Innovate, Ireland’s centre for construction innovation.

Engineers Ireland West region aims to enhance the construction sector’s knowledge base with respect to the design, manufacture and certification/standardisation of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). This webinar examines how the adoption of MMCs can be accelerated in Ireland and help achieve housing targets.

Free webinar hosted by Construct Innovate with a panel of speakers who will discuss the barriers to the adoption of MMCs and what are the potential opportunities.


This is a free CPD webinar event hosted by Construct Innovate, Ireland’s centre for construction innovation. The event aims to enhance the construction sector’s knowledge base with respect to the design, manufacture and certification/standardisation of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). The event also aims to discuss how the adoption of MMCs can be accelerated in Ireland and help achieve housing targets.

This webinar brings together experts from all backgrounds related to Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). These experts include; designers, manufacturers, installers, contractors, certification/ standardisation and international experts. The event will be of benefit to anyone involved in the construction sector. The question and answers session will hopefully provide a useful forum to discuss adoption of MMC in Ireland and potential implications for achieving housing targets.


Opening address by Declan Hughes Assistant Secretary Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment.

Brief introduction to Construct Innovate, Ireland’s centre for construction innovation by Co-Director Dr Magdalena Hajdukiewicz

James Young, Director of Engineering Services, Evolusion Innovation: Offsite Construction Consultants

Brian Kennedy, Managing Director of Vision Built

Sean Balfe (Director of Agrément) & Pat Corcoran (Standards Officer) at the National Standards Authority of Ireland

Conor Taaffe, Managing Director Homebond

Tom Bassett, Research Technical Lead, Innovation Team, Building Research Establishment (BRE), UK

Question & Answer Session hosted by Sean Downey of the Construction Industry Federation.

Additional Information

The event is one of the first to be hosted by Construct Innovate, Ireland’s centre for construction innovation. Construct Innovate brings together the whole value chain to accelerate people-centric innovation in construction and the built environment that drives the transition towards a sustainable society and economy, relying on the active engagement of its members and a European network of innovation clusters. Membership of Construct Innovate is open to all construction/built environment stakeholders with an interest in the development of construction technology expertise in Ireland.

More information relating to Construct Innovate can be found here.

Related Documents

MMC Webinar – Construct Innovate.pdf