Membership benefits
RPO Member
Research Performing Organisation that has been admitted to the Centre as a Member.
Various types of funding to be obtained by RPOs through Construct Innovate as well as other funding bodies.
Creating extensive networking opportunities through Construct Innovate events, working groups, workshops, as well as through other members’ events.
Advancing R&D
Accelerating research and development with multidisciplinary approach – join efforts of other members (RPOs and Associate) and other governmental organizations.
Talent sourcing
Promoting RPOs as employers. Advertisement of new positions.
Project management
Tracking Construct Innovate projects. Time, budget and resources management support.
Research promotion
Promoting RPOs employees, areas of their expertise, and their scholarship.
Expertise-based services
Promotion of the RPO’s expertise and offering them to other members as an independent R&D and testing service.
Construct Innovate peer review
With an access to wide expertise pool Construct Innovative is independent peer review process.
Applying innovation
Application of the innovative processes, technologies, products, procedures etc. in cooperation with Associate members.
Promoting RPO as educators. Their unique strengths. Visibility for recruitment of young talent to be enrolled in their educational programme. Sharing teaching schedules and courses’ portfolio.
Infrastructure-based services
Promotion of the RPO’s infrastructure and offering its use to other members as R&D and testing facilities.
Support during funding, talent sourcing, recruitment, innovation deployment, project management, marketing, service offering and delivery processes.
Associate Member
Various types of funding to be obtained by RPOs through Construct Innovate as well as other funding bodies.
Creating extensive networking opportunities through Construct Innovate events, working groups, workshops, as well as through other members’ events.
Advancing R&D
Accelerating research and development with multidisciplinary approach – join efforts of other members (Associate and RPOs) and other governmental organizations.
Project management
Tracking Construct Innovate projects. Time, budget and resources management support.
Associate member promotion
Promoting Associate member’s areas of expertise, their innovative business models or/and innovative products, as well as their efforts towards obtaining sustainability development goals (SDGs).
Talent sourcing and WRGP
Access to participation in Work Ready Graduate Programme.
Promoting Associate members as employers.
Independent expertise
Access to RPO’s expertise and to their independent R&D and testing services.
Applying innovation
Application of the innovative processes, technologies, products, procedures etc. in cooperation with RPO members, but also with other Associate members.
Access to infrastructure
Access to the RPO’s research, development and testing infrastructure.
Patron Member
Associate +
All the Associate member benefits PLUS
Have access to all project briefings, incl. confidential update reviews on ongoing projects.
Results License
Can express interest in licensing results of the projects they are involved in.
Contribute Insights
Contribute insights to the development of projects
Strategic fellowship fund
35% of patron fees go towards bespoke fellowship projects identified by Patron members
Funding review
Are considered for reviewing project proposals in advance of them being funded.
Contribute financially
Contribute financially and in kind
DISCRETE projects
Participate in discreet projects relating to activities of the Centre
Preferential rate
Preferential rate for all bespoke research projects
How to become Construct Innovate member?
Please see the process of becoming Construct Innovate Member outlined below.
Interest in Construct Innovate Membership is Expressed
What happens next?
We will be sending you Expression of Interest Information Pack:
- Centre Overview Information
- Membership Slide Deck
- Adherence Agreement
- Centre By Laws Extract
All prospective members who have expressed an interest in becoming a member of Construct Innovate will be put forward for approval to the Centre’s management and steering committees. When a company expresses an interest in joining, they will be considered for membership at the next monthly committee review.
Centre Executive Management Committee (CEMC)
Action: All potential members are examined and analysed in further detail via the Centre Executive Management Committee.
Centre Steering Committee (CSC)
Action: All fully signed potential members are presented quarterly to Centre Steering Committee for final validation and membership approval.
Adherence Agreement is sent to DocuSign
Action: Adherence Agreement is sent to DocuSign after CSC approval.
DocuSign Acknowledgement Received
Action: Construct Innovate receives fully signed Adherence Agreement from DocuSign.
New Member Welcome Pack
Action: New member receives:
- Welcome Email
- Request to share logo for Construct Innovate website and social media promotions