Work Ready Graduate Programme (WRGP)

Construct Innovate Work Ready Graduate Programme (WRGP)

At Construct Innovate, we are very pleased to announce the rollout of the Work Ready Graduate Programme (WRGP), an Enterprise Ireland funded programme, which will commence in September 2024.

This is a year-long programme which will match recently qualified graduates from our RPO institutions with our industry members, while also providing training, mentorship and support to the graduates through Construct Innovate.

  • Graduate Secondment

    The WRGP will match 15 suitably qualified graduates (Masters degree or equivalent in disciplines relevant to the construction & built environment sector) with our Member organisations for a 12 month period. Graduates will be sourced across the RPO academic institutions and matched with suitable member organisations.

  • Training

    In parallel, the graduates will complete a Post-Graduate Diploma (PGDip) in Construction Innovation from University of Galway and receive a fully accredited qualification at the end of the Programme. This will include mentorship and support from Construct Innovate and University of Galway for the graduate and participating organisation throughout the programme.

  • Funding

    The programme will also part fund the salary of the graduate while seconded to the industry member organisation for the duration of the programme.

The core aim of the Work Ready Graduate Programme (WRGP) is to allow Construct Innovate to support participating industry member organisations in tackling the challenges of recruiting high quality graduates with an experience in Research, Development and Innovation who can work effectively within these organisations. It also supports graduates in taking their first steps on their career journey with targeted supports and mentorship.