Construct Innovate AIMday – 30/05/2023


Construct Innovate will host the first networking event for our members on 30th May 2023 at University of Galway.

The AIMday® (Academic Industry Meeting day) is a successful, proven model based on workshops where challenges submitted by participating organisations around a central theme are discussed with academic researchers from relevant university disciplines.

The research programme of Construct Innovate will be driven by working groups formed by our members. Industry will be supported and empowered to take ownership of the research, development and innovation activities required for the companies’ continued progression, excellence and impact.

Construct Innovate AIMday invites members to pose a business challenge faced by their organisation and seek new knowledge and solutions with a multi-disciplinary group of academic research experts. Each question submitted by an organisation will be workshopped by the relevant academic research experts, with the aim of forming collaborative research pathways to solutions.

More details about the Construct Innovate AIMday and registration for members are available at